Saturday, March 9, 2013


   The harp is a multi-stringed instrument which has the plane of its strings positioned perpendicularly to the soundboard.All harps have a neck, resonator and strings. Depending on its size, which varies, a harp may be played while held in the lap or while it stands on a table, or on the floor. Harp strings may be made of nylon, gut, wire or silk. A person who plays the harp is called a harpist or harper. Folk musicians often use the term "harper", whereas classical musicians use "harpist".

    The harp is no longer common in our society today, but some still played this instrument because of the calm feeling it possessed. Playing this may be hard because of its multiple strings, but it is enjoyable to play because of the soothing feeling it gives, though I haven't played this one, still, playing a harp is worth it. I can see it in the faces of the harpist that they really enjoyed what they are doing.


   The violin is a string instrument, usually with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest, highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola and cello. The word violin comes from the Medieval Latin word vitula, meaning stringed instrument, this word is also believed to be the source of the Germanic "fiddle".Someone who plays the violin is called a violinist or a fiddler. The violinist produces sound by drawing a bow across one or more strings, by plucking the strings, or by a variety of other techniques.

   The first time I saw the double bass/cello, it looks like the larger type of the violin, because there appearance is similar and the way how it is being  played is also the same. It differs in creating a sound, the violin gives out a high pitch despite of its size while the double bass possesses a low pitch. Both instrument is hard to play for an amateur but if a person is willing to learn, then there is a big possibility that he will know how to play it.

Double Bass

    The double bass, also called the string bass, upright bass, bass fiddle, bass violin, doghouse, contrabass, bass viol, stand-up bass or bull fiddle- is the largest and lowest-pitched bowed string instrument in the modern symphony orchestra. The double bass stands around 180 cm (six feet) from scroll to end pin. When playing the double bass, the bassist either stands or sits on a high stool and leans the instrument against the bassist's body with the bass turned slightly inwards in order to more easily reach the strings.

     Looking at the picture of this double bass makes me perceive how hard playing this one, unlike the electric bass. It is because, this bass is so big that even the bassist is having a hard time reaching the strings. This may seem hard to play, but this bass gives a soothing feeling and adds the essence of the orchestra despite of its low pitch. Every instrument have its own use which adds a good tune to make a good music.

Rock like a "bass guitar"!!

    Bass Guitar also called electric bass, is a stringed instrument played primarily with the use of the pointing finger or the thumb. Its appearance and construction is similar to an electric guitar, the difference between the two is just the sound and strings, the common bass guitar is composed of 4 strings only, while the guitar has a fixed 6 strings. The bass gives a heavier sound than the guitar and it has longer neck. The bass is played pressing one string at a time, so it is not hard to play this kind of instrument.

    In my own point of view, this instrument is the easiest among the musical instruments in a band because pressing one string at a time is not hard to do, the hard part is just, it has no specific chords so a bassist should use his ears in order to cope up with the right tune for a certain song. Every musician should have the ability to cope up immediately to a certain melody for them to get the best tune for the song.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Electronic Drum

     An electronic drum is just similar to an acoustic drum kit.This uses pads - a disc with a rubber or cloth-like coating that generates an electric signal when struck which produces a sound associated to the selected pad. Graene Edge is said to be the first electronic drum inventor which is the drummer of "the moody blues".

    Though electronic drum is similar to acoustic drum, this newer invention produces less noise than the acoustic one. It also controls the sound it produces. For silent practice, the drummer may use headphone.You may think this kind of drum is so useful for the drummers living in today's generation, yes it is! but, drummers can only use this if it is near a power outlet for it doesn't work without electricity and at least needs an amplifier for it to create a loud sound.People may prefer acoustic drum for it doesn't need any electricity and it creates a loud sound but, some prefer electronic especially for silent practice so that other people won't be disturb.Both are useful in creating good music, it depends on how people use it.