Saturday, March 2, 2013

Electronic Drum

     An electronic drum is just similar to an acoustic drum kit.This uses pads - a disc with a rubber or cloth-like coating that generates an electric signal when struck which produces a sound associated to the selected pad. Graene Edge is said to be the first electronic drum inventor which is the drummer of "the moody blues".

    Though electronic drum is similar to acoustic drum, this newer invention produces less noise than the acoustic one. It also controls the sound it produces. For silent practice, the drummer may use headphone.You may think this kind of drum is so useful for the drummers living in today's generation, yes it is! but, drummers can only use this if it is near a power outlet for it doesn't work without electricity and at least needs an amplifier for it to create a loud sound.People may prefer acoustic drum for it doesn't need any electricity and it creates a loud sound but, some prefer electronic especially for silent practice so that other people won't be disturb.Both are useful in creating good music, it depends on how people use it.

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