Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rock like a "bass guitar"!!

    Bass Guitar also called electric bass, is a stringed instrument played primarily with the use of the pointing finger or the thumb. Its appearance and construction is similar to an electric guitar, the difference between the two is just the sound and strings, the common bass guitar is composed of 4 strings only, while the guitar has a fixed 6 strings. The bass gives a heavier sound than the guitar and it has longer neck. The bass is played pressing one string at a time, so it is not hard to play this kind of instrument.

    In my own point of view, this instrument is the easiest among the musical instruments in a band because pressing one string at a time is not hard to do, the hard part is just, it has no specific chords so a bassist should use his ears in order to cope up with the right tune for a certain song. Every musician should have the ability to cope up immediately to a certain melody for them to get the best tune for the song.

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