Monday, December 31, 2012

Electric Keyboard

       Electronic Keyboard also called as digital keyboard, portable keyboard and home keyboard is an instrument similar to the piano but this one needs electricity in order to use. It is a combination of processes by pressing mechanical keys and producing sounds by means of electric circuitry. The invention of musical synthesizers in the 1960s was a step towards the modern keyboard. As technology became more developed, huge synthesizers evolved into portable instruments that could be used in live shows and the electronic keyboard was one of it.

        The electronic keyboard is less expensive than the acoustic piano. This type of instrument can manipulate sounds and recreate tones. It can make the sounds louder with the help of amplifiers. Some electronic keyboards  can be brought anywhere because those are not so huge than the acoustic piano's. There are different kinds of electric keyboard from huge to handy and as time goes by, there will be new inventions that can make keyboard's sound more  beautiful and can be brought anywhere at anytime.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Music is life

Another month has ended and a new month has come. December is here!  Isn't it nice to sing along with the kids while bringing different instruments that make up music? Caroling from house to house and feel the essence of Christmas?  It is an enjoyable feeling to sing Christmas songs in the midst of a cold night, knocking at your door to deliver their prepared song.

The best instrument that would fit to the soothing feeling of Christmas is the piano. It can produce a calm sound that makes a person feel comfortable while sitting in a couch with a hot tea on the table.
Bartolomeo Cristofori was the inventor of the first modern piano in which the picture is shown above. The piano was originally called "harpsichord", which was still existing for almost 300 years. The idea behind creating the piano was to construct a harpsichord that was sensitive to the intensity of sound.

Most of the musicians prefer classic acoustic pianos because of their rich tones. Since digital pianos can recreate and replay sounds, their are things that it can't do like classic acoustic pianos can. Some of those are tuning and replacement of springs, strings and hammers but no matter what kind of piano is it, you will surely benefit from the piano. Remember that music is the universal language and piano will enable you to speak that language.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Electric Guitar

     "Electric guitar" sounds like a cool instrument, isn't it? Have you ever dared playing one?  If not, you missed the chance to experience the coolness of playing an instrument like this. One look of this instrument seems easy to play but once you try it, it’ll never be that easy. Electric guitar invented in 1931, it is usually played by jazz musicians. During 1950’s and 1960’s the electric guitar became the most important instrument in pop music. It evolved into a stringed musical instrument that has multiple sound effects and styles.

      While the acoustic guitar’s sound depends on its wooden body and the air within it which passes through the hole on the center, the electric guitar depends on the electrical signal which is connected to an amplifier/speaker to make a loud sound. It also adds color to the tone and can change its sound.

Now let’s distinguish each part of an electric guitar which helps it create a sound.

Head-stock- where the tuning machines are located which is use in tuning a guitar.
Nut- keeps strings at a proper height.
Fret- it is a thin metal ridge on the finger board.
Magnetic pick-up- pick up physical string vibrations.
Strings- one of the most important parts of a guitar without it, the guitar wouldn't create different sounds.
All of the parts of an electric guitar are important to make a nice music which is good to hear. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Acoustic Guitar

     Have you ever tried playing guitar? Are you not curious why is it popular? Guitar started during the renaissance period and still evolving as time goes by. Acoustic guitar is another form of guitar, it uses an acoustic sound board to help transmit the strings' vibration energy in order to produce sound. This instrument is the most popular string instrument played even in the old days up until today’s generation. It is played by kids or adults, boys or girls with different age range. Playing it has no definite age requirement nor gender requirement as long as a person is willing to learn, he/she can learn.

     Guitar is popular among teenagers for a person can bring it anywhere and can use everywhere because it can create music with just the cooperation of the fingers. Acoustic guitar can be played using fingers and doesn't require any speakers just to hear the sound loudly, the strings’ vibration energy already allows the guitar to create a loud sound. The electric guitar on the other hand, needs to use speakers for it to create a loud sound because it doesn't use acoustic sound board in which I’ll be talking in my next blog post. Guitar is mostly played by people because it creates different types of melodies which other instrument can’t. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Let's go to Hawaii and play ukulele!!

       Guitar is the most popular instrument that most of the people played nowadays because, aside from it's affordable price, playing it is easy to learn. Anyone can play guitars, there are no limitations if whoever wants to play it, as long as a person can reach each strings and memorize different chords to create a melody. At first, guitar is difficult to play, of course as expected from a newbie/amateur especially when he has small fingers which doesn't enable him to reach the strings. It's one of the reasons why guitar is kind of difficult but, if a person has the "will" to practice daily, there's no way he cannot master it.

      There are different types of guitars from acoustic to electric. Instruments evolve from time to time, it evolve into a high-tech instrument to make a good and high quality melodies ^^ Guitar's root are in Spain, it is thought to have been invented by the people of Malaga (city, seaport and holiday resort in southern Spain).


     The ukulele originated in the 19th century, a guitar-like instrument taken to Hawaii by Portuguese immigrants. Ukuleles are commonly associated with music from Hawaii where the name translated as "jumping flea". It gained great popularity elsewhere in the United States, and from there it spread internationally.

     The Ukulele is not so hard to learn because it is small and the fingers can reach each strings plus it is only a 4-stringed instrument. I saw my cousin which is an elementary student playing it perfectly so, even children can play it professionally.

This will be my first entry for this week ^^
see you again next week for another guitar discussion ^^

Create a wonderful music ♥

      Music gives color to our our lives, it shines during our gloomy days and it expresses different kinds of emotions a person can feel. Musical instruments and music go hand in hand without instruments, a musician cannot create a good music which suits in a particular situation. It won't create a tone which gives an intense feeling attached to it. A piano for instance, gives a calm feeling, a guitar can sing even w/o the singer's company and the bass and drums best suit for people who rock!! Each musical instruments has its own role and trademark that would fit to a person's attitude and feelings.

     Now,want to join me in my journey to the world of musical instruments?? ^^ Let's try to discover how musical instruments evolve from time to time. For the whole month of November I'll be talking about "guitars", from old to recent ones.


Arigato Gozaimasu! (thank you so much) 
Jya~ kiotsukete ne (bye, take care)

This has been Welnie ♥