Sunday, November 25, 2012

Acoustic Guitar

     Have you ever tried playing guitar? Are you not curious why is it popular? Guitar started during the renaissance period and still evolving as time goes by. Acoustic guitar is another form of guitar, it uses an acoustic sound board to help transmit the strings' vibration energy in order to produce sound. This instrument is the most popular string instrument played even in the old days up until today’s generation. It is played by kids or adults, boys or girls with different age range. Playing it has no definite age requirement nor gender requirement as long as a person is willing to learn, he/she can learn.

     Guitar is popular among teenagers for a person can bring it anywhere and can use everywhere because it can create music with just the cooperation of the fingers. Acoustic guitar can be played using fingers and doesn't require any speakers just to hear the sound loudly, the strings’ vibration energy already allows the guitar to create a loud sound. The electric guitar on the other hand, needs to use speakers for it to create a loud sound because it doesn't use acoustic sound board in which I’ll be talking in my next blog post. Guitar is mostly played by people because it creates different types of melodies which other instrument can’t. 

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