Friday, November 30, 2012

Electric Guitar

     "Electric guitar" sounds like a cool instrument, isn't it? Have you ever dared playing one?  If not, you missed the chance to experience the coolness of playing an instrument like this. One look of this instrument seems easy to play but once you try it, it’ll never be that easy. Electric guitar invented in 1931, it is usually played by jazz musicians. During 1950’s and 1960’s the electric guitar became the most important instrument in pop music. It evolved into a stringed musical instrument that has multiple sound effects and styles.

      While the acoustic guitar’s sound depends on its wooden body and the air within it which passes through the hole on the center, the electric guitar depends on the electrical signal which is connected to an amplifier/speaker to make a loud sound. It also adds color to the tone and can change its sound.

Now let’s distinguish each part of an electric guitar which helps it create a sound.

Head-stock- where the tuning machines are located which is use in tuning a guitar.
Nut- keeps strings at a proper height.
Fret- it is a thin metal ridge on the finger board.
Magnetic pick-up- pick up physical string vibrations.
Strings- one of the most important parts of a guitar without it, the guitar wouldn't create different sounds.
All of the parts of an electric guitar are important to make a nice music which is good to hear. 

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