Friday, November 16, 2012

Create a wonderful music ♥

      Music gives color to our our lives, it shines during our gloomy days and it expresses different kinds of emotions a person can feel. Musical instruments and music go hand in hand without instruments, a musician cannot create a good music which suits in a particular situation. It won't create a tone which gives an intense feeling attached to it. A piano for instance, gives a calm feeling, a guitar can sing even w/o the singer's company and the bass and drums best suit for people who rock!! Each musical instruments has its own role and trademark that would fit to a person's attitude and feelings.

     Now,want to join me in my journey to the world of musical instruments?? ^^ Let's try to discover how musical instruments evolve from time to time. For the whole month of November I'll be talking about "guitars", from old to recent ones.


Arigato Gozaimasu! (thank you so much) 
Jya~ kiotsukete ne (bye, take care)

This has been Welnie ♥

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