Friday, November 16, 2012

Let's go to Hawaii and play ukulele!!

       Guitar is the most popular instrument that most of the people played nowadays because, aside from it's affordable price, playing it is easy to learn. Anyone can play guitars, there are no limitations if whoever wants to play it, as long as a person can reach each strings and memorize different chords to create a melody. At first, guitar is difficult to play, of course as expected from a newbie/amateur especially when he has small fingers which doesn't enable him to reach the strings. It's one of the reasons why guitar is kind of difficult but, if a person has the "will" to practice daily, there's no way he cannot master it.

      There are different types of guitars from acoustic to electric. Instruments evolve from time to time, it evolve into a high-tech instrument to make a good and high quality melodies ^^ Guitar's root are in Spain, it is thought to have been invented by the people of Malaga (city, seaport and holiday resort in southern Spain).


     The ukulele originated in the 19th century, a guitar-like instrument taken to Hawaii by Portuguese immigrants. Ukuleles are commonly associated with music from Hawaii where the name translated as "jumping flea". It gained great popularity elsewhere in the United States, and from there it spread internationally.

     The Ukulele is not so hard to learn because it is small and the fingers can reach each strings plus it is only a 4-stringed instrument. I saw my cousin which is an elementary student playing it perfectly so, even children can play it professionally.

This will be my first entry for this week ^^
see you again next week for another guitar discussion ^^

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